Bai Wei

Botanical Name: Cynanchi atrati Radix

Bai Wei

Bai Wei

Category: Clear Heat from Deficiency

Taste: Bitter, Salty
Temperature: Cold
Channels Entered: Lung, Stomach, Kidney

 Dosage: 3-12g

Cautions & Contraindications:

  • None

Actions & Indications:

  • Clears heat and cools the blood: for heat entering the nutritive or blood levels, yin deficient fever, persistent summertime fever in children, postpartum fever, and lingering fever as the sequela of a warm heat pathogen disease that injures the blood or yin. Most commonly used for post partum fever and during the recovery stage from a febrile disease.
  • Cools the blood and promotes urination: for hot or painful bloody urinary dribbling, especially before or after giving birth.
  • Resolves toxicity and treats sores: for toxic sores, swollen and painful throat, and snakebite. For these purposes, it can be taken internally or applied topically. This action is not particularly strong.