GnRH Agonist
Buserelin/Suprefact: 200-500 µg daily injection; Nafarelin/Synarel: 200 µg spray in nostril daily
SCNasal Spray
Trade Names
Suprefact; Synarel
Ovarian SuppressionPrevention of Premature Ovulation
Common Side Effects
Menopausal Sx, such as hot flushes, increased sweating, vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, loss of libido, headaches
Man-made gonadorelin, acts on LHRH receptors initially causing increase in FSH and LH (flare effect), but then after 10 days desensitizes the pituitary gland and leads to reduction in FSH and LH production, which inhibits androgen and estrogen production.
Used from CD21 of suppression phase or CD1 of stimulation phase until hCG. Nafarelin nasal spray starts on CD21 of suppression phase or CD2 of stimulation phase.