Chen Xiang

Botanical Name: Aquilariae Lignum Resinatum

Category: Regulate the Qi

Taste: Bitter, Acrid, Aromatic

Temperature: Warm

Channels Entered: Stomach, Spleen, Kidney

Dosage: 1-1.5g; Add near the end of decoction.

Cautions & Contraindications:

  • Use with caution in those with sunken qi or fire from yin xu.

Actions & Indications:

  • Promotes the movement of qi and alleviates pain: for stagnant qi patterns with such symptoms such as distention, pain, or a feeling of pressure in the epigastric or abdominal region. Especially useful for problems due to cold from xu or blood stasis.
  • Directs rebellious qi downward and regulates the middle: for rebellious qi wheezing of either the xu orexcess type, or vomiting, belching, or hiccup due cold from xu of the Stomach or Spleen.
  • Aids the KDs in grasping the qi: for asthma and wheezing due to KD xu.