Related Points
Auricular Points | |||
Name | Location | Action & Indications | |
Middle Ear | Helix crus | “Diaphragm” | |
Actions:â Rebellious qi of STExpel WindReg. Fx of diaphragm | |||
Indications:HiccupsJaundice !!!S/S/Dz. of digestive system & skin | |||
Lower Portion of Rectum | End of Helix crus approx toSuperior Tragic Notch | ConstipationAnal prolapseExternal & Internal Hemorrhoids
Tenesmus | |
Urethra | On helix crus at level w/ lower border of Inferior A-H crus | EnuresisUrinary frequency, urgency, painful & retention | |
External Genitalia | On Helix crus at level with upper border of Inferior A-H crus | Inflammation of external genital organsEczema of perineumImpotence | |
Anterior Ear Apex | Area between ear apex & Superior Root of Auricle | “Hemorrhoid Nucleus” – old | |
I: | External & Internal HemorrhoidsUsed as an assistant for dx above | ||
Ear Apex eyes, HTN | At tip of auricle & superior to helix when folded towards tragus | Removing Heat & windAntispasmodicAnalgesic
Pacifying LIV, Clearing vision | |
I: | FeverHTN !!Inflammation of eyes
Painful dzs | ||
Liver Yang | At auricular tubercle | “Darwin’s Tubercle”Liv Qi StagnationLiv Yang preponderance | |
Helix 1 through 6 | Region from Lower border of Auricular tubercle to midpoint of lower border of lobule & is divided into 5 equal parts. | Clarifying HeatRelieving PainPacifying LIV & removing Wind | |
Finger | At top of scapha | Pain & dysfx at corresp area of body | |
Interior TubercleItching | Midpt between. Finger & Wrist | “Urticaria” or “Allergic Pt” | |
Expelling Wind &Stop ITCHING | |||
Wrist | Midway between Finger & Elbow | Pain & dysfx at corresp. area of body | |
Elbow | Mid way between Finger & Clavicle | Pain & dysfx at corresp. area of body | |
Shoulder | Midway between Elbow & Clavicle | Pain & dysfx at corresp. area of body | |
Clavicle | On Scapha at level with Helix-Tragic Notch | Pain & dysfx at corresp. area of bodyPeripheral Arthritis of shoulderTakayushu’s Dz (pulseless dz) | |
Toe | Superior & Lateral angle of Superior A-H crus | Pain & dysfx at corresp. area of body | |
Heel | Superior & Medial angle of Superior A-H crus | Heel pain | |
Ankle | Midway between heel & knee | Ankle sprain, pain & dysfx at corresp. area of body | |
Knee | Middle portion of Superior A-H crus | Pain & dysfx at corresp. area of body sprain & arthritis of knee joint | |
Hip | At Inferior 1/3 of the superior A-H crus | Pain at corresponding area | |
Buttocks | At lateral 1/3 of the Inferior A-H crus | Pain at corresponding area | |
Ischium | At Medial 2/3 of Inferior A-H crus | “Sciatic Nerve”Tx sciatica | |
End Of Inferior Antihelix Crus | Terminal of Inferior Antihelix crus | “Sympathetic Nerve” | |
There is the “Antihelix” and the
“principal part of he antihelix.” | AntispasmoticAnalgesiaN+ Yin & Supporting Yang | ||
Pain of Internal organsPalpitationsSpontaneous sweating
Night sweating
Functional d/o or ANS | |||
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral vertebrae | A curved line from helix-tragic notch to the branching area of the superior & inferior antihelix crus. It can be divided into 3 equal segments.Lower ½ is cervical vertebraemiddle ½ thoracic vertebrae
Upper ½ is Lumbosacral vertebrae | Str+ spine & N+ marrowCAM on ANTI-HELIX
Pain at corresponding part of spine | |
Neck | On border of cavum conchae of Cervical Vertebrae | Strained neck, wry neckPain or dysfx of the neck | |
Chest | On border of cavum conchae of Theracic Vertebrae | Pain & stuffiness of the chest or pain at the corresponding part of body,. | |
Abdomen | On the border of cymba conchae of Lumbosacral Vertebrae | Abdominal or gynecological dzsLumbago | |
Ear !!! Know | At bifurcating pt between Superior & Inferior Antihelix crus & the lateral 1/3 of triangular fossa | Shen Men = Ear, new name | |
Sedation, easing mindRelieving painClearing Heat | |||
Triangular Fossa (Depression) | In triangular fossa & in the depression close to the midpt of helix | “Tian Kui”“Uterine Seminal Palaace”S+ Yang & N+ Essence
Reg. menstruation, H+ Blood, GYN | |
ImpotenceProstates, etc. | |||
Superior Triangle | At the superior-lateral angle of Triangular Fossa | “Lowering Blood Pressure” | |
Pacifying LIV, removing wind | |||
HTN | |||
Superior Tragus
old name “Ear” | On the Supratragic notch close to helix
IMPORTANT PT !!! | “Ear” - the OLD name !!! | |
N+ KID-waterSubduing LIV Yang | |||
Ear dzsDizziness, vertigo | |||
Nose | In center of lateral aspect of tragus | “External Nose” | |
“Internal Nose”Obstruc. noseAllergic Rhinitis | Nose“External Nose”Furuncles
Brandy nose | Removing obstruction from the meridians in the nose region | |
Brandy-nose, nose problemsNose furuncles, Nasal Obstruction | |||
Supratragic Apex
Upper Apex of Tragus | At the tip of upper protuberance on border of tragus | “Tragic Apex”Upper Apex of Trgus | |
Reducing HeatRelieving pain | |||
Lower Tragic Apex
Lower Apex of Tragus | At the tip of lower tubercle on border of tragus | “Adrenal” | |
Reducing HeatRelieving painAntispasmotic
Expelling Wind
| |||
Pharynx-Larynx (throat) | Upper half of medial aspect of tragus = INSIDE aspect | Clarifying obstructions of the pharynx & larynx | |
Acute & chronic pharyngitis & chronic laryngitis, tonsillitis | |||
Internal Nose | Lower ½ of medial aspect of tragus= INSIDE aspect | Removing obstructions of the nose | |
Allergic RhinitisOther nose dzs | |||
Antitragic Apex | At tip of antitragic
also Middle Cymba Concha
or Periphery Umbilicus - a fx parototis | “Soothing Asthma” or “Parotid” | |
Str+ LU, stops asthmaClears us Heat & AntitoxinExpels wind | |||
Asthma, bronchitisParotititsItching Skin | |||
Central Rim & Middle Border | Midpt betw antitragic apex & Helixtragic notch“to fill brain drain old” - enuresis | “Brain”Replenishing brain & easing mind | |
Oligophrenia (incomplete development of intelligence; also “brain pt”). Both Brain zones have this fxEnuresis | |||
Antitragus | |||
Tai Yang | At posterior superior corner of lateral aspect of anti tragus | “Tai Yang”Sedation, easing the mindAnalgesia
Removing Wind | |
DizzinessH/AInsomnia, etc | |||
Temple Shao Yang | On antitragus betw forehead & occiput | “Shao Yang” !!! | |
Forehead Yang Ming H/A | Anterior Inferior corner of Lateral Aspect of Antitragus | Sedationanalgesia | |
Yang Ming H/A !!! | |||
Brain “for pain” | “Subcortex”Reinforcing marrow & replenishing brainRelieving pain & easing mind | ||
Oligophrenia – both Brain zones this fxReplenish brain so can develop moreInsomnia, dream disturbed sleep
tinnitus d/t KID deficiency -midterm !! | |||
Periphery of Helix Crus | |||
Mouth | Close to posterior & superior border of orifice of external auditory meatus | Clear HT Fire !!Remove pathogenic Wind | |
Facial paralysisStomatitis, etc | |||
Esophagus | At medial 2/3 of inferior aspect of helix crus | Reg Fx of DIAPHRAGMH+ STOM | |
DysphagiaEsophagitis, etc | |||
Stomach | At area where helix crus terminates | H+ STOM, F+ SP & MJEasing mind | |
InsomniaGastritis, Gastroduodenal Ulcer, gastric d.o. | |||
Duodenum | At lateral 1/3 of superior aspect of helix crus | Warming MJ H+ STOM | |
Duodenal UlcerPylorospasm, etc | |||
SI | At midd ½ of superior aspect of helix crus | Reinforcing SP , H+ MJN+ HT, producing blood | |
IndigestionPalpitations !!, etc | |||
Appendix | Between SI & LI | Clearing up Damp-Heat from LJ | |
C.O. | Lateral ½ of inferior aspect of Helix crus | Hiatal HerniaEsophageal refluxAppendicitis
Diarrhea, etc | |
LI Know!! | At medial 1/3 of superior aspect of helix crus | Clearing up LJReplenishing LU qi !!!! | |
LIVER | At posterior aspect of STOM & Duodenum | Clearing up LIV, brightening visionP+ smooth circ of Qi & Blood to relax muscles & tendons | |
Liv Qi stagEye dzsLateral-lower abd d/o | |||
Pancreas/Gallbladder | Between LIV & KID | Replenishing GB & STOMRemoving LIV Qi StagLiv Wind removal | |
Dz & S/s of Bile ductPancreatitisMigraines, etc. | |||
Kidney | On the lower border of the Inferior antihelix crus directly above SIDiplacusis = abnormal perception of sound in time or pitch, hear 2 sounds a 1. | T+ KID, P+ hearingStr+ Bone, filling up marrow | |
Nephritis & TinnitusLumbagoDiplacusisSpermatorrhea, Impotence, etc. | |||
Ureter | Between KID & BLAD | Stone & colic pain of ureter | |
Bladder | On lower border of Inferior antihelix crus, directly ABOVE LI
“too much leaking and not enough” | Reinforcing LJ, lower back | |
Lower back pain, sciaticaCystitisEnuresis – also Brain/Subcortex fx
Retention of urine | |||
Angle of Cymba Concha | At medial superior angle of Cymba concha | Clarifying LJRemoving obstruction from urethra | |
Prostatitis | |||
Middle Cymba Concha | In center of cymba concha
Ascariasis also:
Root of Auricular Vagus Nerve
Antitragic Notch for parotitis too | “Periphery Umbilicus” | |
Reg MJ & H+ SP | |||
Low feverAbdominal DistensionAscariasis of Bile duct
Impaired Hearing
Parotitis, etc |
Oligophrenia = incomplete development of intelligence
Ametropia =
Pseudomypoia =
Diplaucis = abnormal perception of sound in time or pitch, hear 2 sounds as 2.