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English Name
Cubit Marsh
Kiiko Matsumoto Acupuncture
On the cubital crease of the elbow, in the depression at the radial side of the tendon of biceps brachii.
- Clears heat from the Lung
- Descends rebellious qi
- Regulates the water passages
- Activates the channel, relaxes the sinews and alleviates pain
- Important point to clear excess or deficiency heat from the Lung: coughing, coughing phlegm, shortness of breath, fullness of the chest, wheezing, asthma.
- For heat-induced bleeding from the Lung or Stomach: vomiting or coughing of blood, nosebleed.
- Regulates urination: swelling of the four limbs, enuresis, frequent urination.
- Regulates the Lung and Heart: pain and agitation of the Heart: pain and agitation of the Heart.
- Occupies a central position on the arm and treats pain and restricted movement of the shoulder, upper arm, elbow and hand, especially wandering pain. Also lumbar and knee pain.