Pin Yin
Latin Name
Chrysanthemi Flos
English Name
Entering Channels
slightly cold
Chinese Herbal Formulas (Comprehensive List)
Individual Essential Oils
Kampo Name
Kampo Number
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Key Characteristics:
Cautions & Contraindications:
- Do not use large dosage in patients with qi deficiency, Stomach cold, or diarrhea.
Actions & Indications:
- Disperses wind and clears heat: for wind- heat patterns with fever, headache, red and painful eyes, dizziness, and a dry mouth and throat. Usually with Sang Ye, as in Sang Ju Yin.
- Calms the Liver and clears the eyes: for red, swollen, dry and/or painful eyes due to either wind-heat in the Liver channel or ascendant Liver yang. Also used for spots in front of the eyes, blurry vision, increased tearing, or dizziness due to Liver and Kidney yin deficiency.
- Calms the Liver and extinguishes wind: for such symptoms as dizziness, headache, and deafness due to ascendant Liver yang.
- Clears heat and eliminates toxins: for external sores, abscess, or ulcerations. This function is enhanced by combining with other herbs that clear heat.
Related Herbal Formulas
- Sang Ye, Bo He, Lu Gen, Lian Qiao: external wind-heat invasion.
- Qiang Huo, Fang Feng, Bai Zhi, Xi Xin: occipital or frontal headache, caused by either wind-heat or wind-cold.
- Chuan Xiong, Shi Gao: headache due to wind-heat.
- Gou Teng, Sheng Di Huang, Bai Shao: headache due to Liver wind and deficiency fire.
- Ban Lan Gen: wind-heat with sore throat.
- Bo He: fever, chills, headache, and irritated eyes.
- Sang Ye, Xia Ku Cao, Chan Tui, Mu Zei, Bai Ji Li: redness, swelling, and pain in the eyes.
- Gou Qi Zi, Sheng Di Huang, Shan Zhu Yu, Shan Yao, Mu Dan Pi: blurred vision and dizziness caused by Liver and Kidney yin deficiency.
- Sheng Di Huang, Tian Men Dong, Zhi Ke: near-sightedness.
- Mi Meng Hua, Qing Xiang Zi, Mu Zei, Sang Ye, Can Tui: superficial visual obstruction.
- Bai Ji Li, Jue Ming Zi, Bai Shao, Man Jing Zi: visual disturbances with dizziness and headache due to Liver yang rising.
- Chuan Xiong: headache, especially temporal migraine or tension headaches.
- Shi Jue Ming, Bai Shao, Gou Teng: Liver yang rising.
- Gan Cao, Jin Yin Hua, Pu Gong Ying: topically for sores, carbuncles, or skin abscess.
- Sang Ju Yin: external wind-heat invasion.
- Ju Hua is one of the most commonly used herbs for eye disorders. Teabags, a poultice, or steam may also be used on the eyes.
- Often used to treat hypertension associated with Liver yang rising. For this purpose Ju Hua is often used as dosages of 30g or more.
- Internal Liver wind in children can manifest as seizures or convulsions. Ju Hua can be used in these cases.
- Vasodilative
- Antibiotic
- Ye Ju Hua: wild chrysanthemum flower. This form is strongest for clearing heat, eliminating toxins, and treating sore throat, sores, carbuncles, and swollen painful eyes.
- Huang Ju Hua: yellow chrysanthemum flower. This is strongest for clearing wind-heat.
- Bai Ju Hua: white chrysanthemum flower. This type is strongest to sedate Liver fire, brighten the eyes, and treat redness and pain in the eyes.