Du Zhong

Botanical Name: Eucommiae Cortex

Du Zhong

Du Zhong

Category: Tonify the Yang

Taste: Sweet, Slightly Acrid

Temperature: Warm

Channels Entered: Kidney, Liver

Dosage: 9-15g

Key Characteristics: Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the sinews and bones, and quiets the fetus.

Cautions & Contraindications:

  • Contraindicated in those with heat from deficiency

Actions & Indications:

  • Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the sinews and bones: for Liver and Kidney deficiency with such symptoms as weak, sore, or painful lower back and knees, fatigue, and urinary frequency.
  • Aids in the smooth flow of qi and blood: used to promote circulation, especially in those with weakness of the sinews and bones.
  • Calms the fetus: for patterns of cold from deficiency of the Kidneys with bleeding during pregnancy. Also used to prevent miscarriage when the fetus is restless or agitated, and when a pregnant woman has significant back pain or presents with a deficient condition.
  • Recently used for dizziness and lightheadedness (hypertension) from rising Liver yang.