Jue Ming Zi

Cassiae Semen

Jue Ming Zi

Jue Ming Zi

Category: Clear Heat, Drain Fire

Taste: Bitter, Sweet, Salty
Temperature: Slightly Cold
Channels: Large Intestine, Kidney, Liver

Dosage: 9-15g

Cautions & Contraindications:

  • Because this is a cold herb that has laxative properties, it should not be used in patients with diarrhea from Spleen deficiency or with low blood pressure.

Actions & Indications:

Jue Ming Zi

Jue Ming Zi

  • Clears the Liver and the eyes: for red swollen, and painful eyes from heat or wind heat in the Liver channel. Also for eye problems such as photosensitivity, night blindness, and insidious loss of vision without visible physical changes to the eye.
  • Calms the Liver and anchors the errant yang: for headaches and dizziness from ascendant Liver yang. Recently this function has been expanded to include hypertension.
  • Moistens the Intestines and unblocks the bowels: for dry or infrequent stools or chronic constipation, especially when here is an aspect of Liver yin deficiency.
  • Recently used to prevent atherosclerosis as it lowers both blood pressure and serum cholesterol.