Qian Hu

Peucedani Radix

Qian Hu

Qian Hu

Category: Cool and Transform Phlegm-Heat

Taste: bitter, acrid
Temperature: slightly cold
Channels: Lung

Dosage: 3-9g

Cautions and Contraindications:

  • This is a bitter, draining herb and should not be used for cough due to fire from yin deficiency, or cough and wheezing associated with cold, thin mucus.

Actions and Indications:

  • Directs qi downward and dispels phlegm: for cough or wheezing with thick sputum due to turbid clogging of the Lungs.
  • Disperses and scatters wind-heat: for the exterior patterns of externally-contracted wind-heat with headache and cough.  Most suitable when wind-heat constrains the Lungs.

    Qian Hu

    Qian Hu