Eight Herb Powder for Rectification
Clear Damp Heat
Actions: Clears heat, promotes urination, and ublocks painful urinary dysfunction.
Pattern: Hot or bloody painful urinary dysfunction caused by the clumping of damp-heat in the lower burner.
Mu Tong: 3-6g
Hua Shi: 12-30g
Che Qian Zi: 9-15g
Qu Mai: 6-12g
Bian Xu: 6-12g
Zhi Zi: 3-9g
Zhi Da Huang: 6-9g
Deng Xin Cao: 3-6g
Gan Cao: 3-9g
Indications: Dark, turbid, scanty, difficult, and painful urination, a dry mouth and throat, a yellow, greasy tongue coating, and a slippery, rapid pulse. In severe cases, there may be urinary retention and lower abdominal distention and pain.
Hua Shi and Gan Cao soothe the tissues
Che Qian Zi is a gentle, bland, diuretic.
Bensky pg 192
CHIM1 pg. 359, 418, 444