Botanical Name: Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix
Category: Invigorate the Blood
Taste: Bitter Temperature: Slightly Cold Channels Entered: Heart, Pericardium, LiverDosage: 6-15g
Cautions & Contraindications:
- Contraindicated during pregnancy.
- Do not use with Li Lu.
Actions & Indications:
- Invigorates the blood and dispels stasis: for a wide variety of blood stasis disorders in any part of the body. Most commonly used for problems affecting the lower abdomen, chest, or hypochondria. It is a very important herb in gynecology.
- Clears heat and soothes irritability: especially useful for restlessness, irritability, palpitations, and insomnia due to heat entering the nutritive level. Can also be used in patterns of Heart and Kidney yin deficiency.
- Cools the blood and reduces abscesses: as an adjunctive herb to treat sores or the early stages of breast abscess.
- Nourishes the blood and calms the spirit: for palpitations and insomnia due to either heat entering the nutritive and blood levels or insufficient Heart blood.