Pin Yin
Latin Name
Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens
English Name
Entering Channels
slightly warm
Chinese Herbal Formulas (Comprehensive List)
Individual Essential Oils
Kampo Name
Kampo Number
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Key Characteristics:
Cautions & Contraindications:
- As with all acrid, warm, dispersing herbs, its use is contraindicated when there is spontaneous sweating from exterior deficiency, heat from yin deficiency, or any pattern with abundant heat.
Actions & Indications:
- Releases the exterior and disperses cold: for exterior cold patterns.
- Warms the middle burner and alleviates vomiting: for cold in the Stomach, especially when there is vomiting.
- Warms the Lungs and stops cough: for cough due to both acute wind-cold cough patterns and chronic Lung disorders with phlegm.
- Resolves toxicity: for resolving toxicity or treating the effects of overdose of other herbs, such as Fu Zi or Ban Xia, or for sea-food poisoning.
Related Herbal Formulas
- For bi syndrome, slices of Sheng Jiang are used with needles and moxa. The needle is inserted first, a slice of Sheng Jiang with a hole pierced in the center is slid over the needle, and loose moxa is formed into a mound over the Sheng Jiang. The moxa is then burned.
- Sheng Jiang is often used to process other herbs to reduce their toxicity.
- Stops the production of phlegm to treat cough.
- Adjusts the Ying Qi and Wei Qi and strengthens the Spleen, indirectly supporting the Lung and wei qi, to both treat and prevent external invasions.