Formula Ingredients Pattern Actions Indications
Sang Ju Yin
Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthem Decoction
Sang Ye
Ju Hua
Early superficial stage of warm-febrile disease Releases exterior wind-heat
Stops coughing by facilitating flow of LU qi
Slight fever, cough, slight thirst
T: thin white coat
P: floating, rapid-Also used for eye disorder due to wind-heat
Lian Qiao
Bo He
Jie Geng
Xing Ren
Lu Gen
Gan Cao
Yin Qiao San
Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder
Jin Yin Hua
Lian Qiao
Early-stage warm febrile disease which enters through the nose & mouth & attacks LU (Wei level) Disperses wind-heat
Clears heat
Relieves toxicity
Fever, slight or no chills, headache, thirst, cough, sore throat
T: red tip, thin white or yellow coat
P: floating, rapid
Jie Geng
Niu Bang zi
Bo He
Dan Dou Chi
Jing Jie
Dan Zhu Ye
Lu Gen
Gan Cao
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Bupleurum and Kudzu Decoction to Release the Muscle Layer
Chai Hu
Ge Gen
Exterior wind-cold (Tai Yang) that is transforming into interior heat (Yang Ming) Releases pathogenic influences from muscle layer
Clears interior heat
Increasing fever & decreasing chills with headache, stiffness of extremities, orbital & eye pain, dry nasal passages, irritability, insomnia
T: thin yellow coat
P: floating, slightly rapid-Also for toothache due to wind-heat
Qiang Huo
Bai Zhi
Huang Qin
Shi Gao
Jie Geng
Bai Shao
Gan Cao
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang
Cimicifuga and Kudzu Decoction
Sheng Ma Externally-contracted heat collecting in the LU, ST, & blood Vents rashes
Releases muscle layer
Early stage measles or rashes that don’t surface evenly, fever & chills, headache, generalized body aches, sneezing, coughing, red eyes, tearing, thirst
Ge Gen
Gan Cao
Chi Shao
Qiang Lan Tang
Notopterygium and Isatis Root Decoction
Qiang Huo
Ban Lan Gen
Externally-contracted heat affecting the head & neck Releases the exterior
Clears heat
Relieves toxicity
Fever & chills, headache, generalized soreness, sore swollen throat with or without swollen glands.