Botanical Name: Rosae laevigatae Fructus
Category: Stabilize & Bind
Taste: Sour, Astringent
Temperature: Neutral
Channels Entered: Bladder, Kidney, Large Intestine
Dosage: 6-12g in decoctions; if used alone, up to 30g
Key Characteristics: Binds the lower burner in order to secure the essence, contains urination, and halts chronic diarrhea.
Cautions & Contraindications:
- Contraindicated in patterns of excess pathogenic heat influences, especially heat.
- Overdosage or prolonged use may cause such side effects as abdominal pain or constipation.
Actions & Indications:
- Stabilizes the Kidneys and secures the essence: for spermatorrhea, urinary incontinence, and vaginal discharge due to deficiency and instability of the lower burner.
- Binds up the Intestines and stops diarrhea: for chronic diarrhea and dysenteric disorders.