Hua Jiao

Botanical Name: Zanthoxyli Pericarpium Category: Warm the Interior & Expel Cold Taste: Acrid Temperature: Hot Channels Entered: Kidney, Spleen, Stomach Dosage: 3-6g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy. Contraindicated in those with...

Huang Jing

Botanical Name: Polygonati Rhizoma Category: Tonify the Qi Taste: Sweet Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Kidney, Lung, Spleen Dosage: 9-15g Key Characteristics: Tonifies the qi, nourishes the yin, and augments the essence. Cautions & Contraindications: This...

Huang Qi

Botanical Name: Astragali Radix Category: Tonify the Qi Taste: Sweet Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Lung, Spleen Dosage: 9-15g; up the 30g may be used Key Characteristics: Raises the yang qi, tonifies the Spleen and Lung Qi, stops sweating, facilitates...

Hu Jiao

Botanical Name: Piperis Fructus Category: Warm the Interior & Expel Cold Taste: Acrid Temperature: Hot Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach Dosage: 1.5-3g in decoction, crush before using; 0.5-1g in pills and powders. Cautions & Contraindications:...

Hu Lu Ba

Botanical Name: Trigonellae Semen Category: Tonify the Yang Taste: Bitter Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Kidney Dosage: 4.5-9g Key Characteristics: Fortifies the primal yang, drives out cold and dampness from the lower burner, treats pain from cold-type bulging...

Jie Geng

Botanical Name: Platycodi Radix Category: Transform Cold-Phlegm Taste: Bitter, Acrid Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Lung Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Because of this herb’s acrid, dispersing, and draining qualities, it is...