Hua Jiao

Botanical Name: Zanthoxyli Pericarpium Category: Warm the Interior & Expel Cold Taste: Acrid Temperature: Hot Channels Entered: Kidney, Spleen, Stomach Dosage: 3-6g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy. Contraindicated in those with...

Huang Jing

Botanical Name: Polygonati Rhizoma Category: Tonify the Qi Taste: Sweet Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Kidney, Lung, Spleen Dosage: 9-15g Key Characteristics: Tonifies the qi, nourishes the yin, and augments the essence. Cautions & Contraindications: This...


Wind Pool Meeting point of the Gallbladder and Sanjiao channels with the Yang Motility and Yang Linking vessels Location: Below the occiput, approximately midway between Fengfu DU16 and Wangu GB12, in the hollow between the origins of the sternomastoid and trapezius...


Meeting of Hearing Location: In the hollow between the intertragic notch posteriorly and the condyloid process of the mandible anteriorly. Locate this point with the mouth wide open. Actions & Indications: Benefits the ears, eliminates wind, and clears heat...

Huang Qi

Botanical Name: Astragali Radix Category: Tonify the Qi Taste: Sweet Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Lung, Spleen Dosage: 9-15g; up the 30g may be used Key Characteristics: Raises the yang qi, tonifies the Spleen and Lung Qi, stops sweating, facilitates...