Formulas that Clear Heat from the Qi Level

Formula Ingredients Pattern Actions Indications Bai Hu Tang White Tiger Decoction Shi Gao Blazing heat in Yang Ming Channel stage or qi level Clears qi level heat Drains ST fire Generates fluids Alleviates thirst High fever with profuse sweating and aversion to heat,...

Formulas that Release Exterior Cold

Formula Ingredients Pattern Actions Indications Ma Huang Tang Ephedra Decoction Ma Huang Wind-cold attacking the exterior Release exterior cold Arrests wheezing Fever & chills (chills predominant) without sweating, headache, generalized body aches, wheezing. T:...

Formulas that Release Exterior Wind-Heat

Formula Ingredients Pattern Actions Indications Sang Ju Yin Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthem Decoction Sang Ye Ju Hua Early superficial stage of warm-febrile disease Releases exterior wind-heat Stops coughing by facilitating flow of LU qi Slight fever, cough, slight...