Botanical Name: Coicis Semen
Category: Drain Dampness
Taste: Sweet, Bland
Temperature: Slightly Cold
Channels Entered: Lung, Stomach, Spleen, Kidney
Dosage: 9-30g
Cautions & Contraindications:
- None
Actions & Indications:
- Facilitates the resolution of dampness and strengthens the Spleen: for edema, diarrhea, leg qi, painful urinary dribbling and damp-warmth. It treats both the root and manifestations of these disorders.
- Facilitates the resolution of dampness and eliminates painful obstruction: for wind-damp painful obstruction. Especially effective for increasing joint mobility and reducing spasms in chronic cases.
- Clears heat and expels pus: for soft, pustulated carbuncles as well as Lung or intestinal abscess.
- Clears damp-heat: for any damp-heat disorder at any level characterized by a greasy tongue coating and digestive problems.