Chi Shi Zhi

Botanical Name: Halloysitum rubrum Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sweet, Sour, Astringent Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine Dosage: 9-18g Key Characteristics: Binds to stop chronic diarrhea and uterine bleeding, generates...

Chun Pi

Botanical Name: Ailanthi Cortex Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Bitter, Astringent Temperature: Cold Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach Dosage: 6-9g Key Characteristics: Dries dampness, cools heat, binds the Intestines, stops bleeding, and kills...

Four Levels

WEI LEVEL WIND-HEAT Fever, aversion to cold, headache, sore throat, slight sweating, runny nose with yellow discharge, swollen tonsils, body aches, slight thirst, tongue red in the front or sides with thin white coat, floating-rapid pulse. LI4, LI11, SJ5, DU14, UB12...

Rou Dou Kou

Botanical Name: Myristicae Semen Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Acrid Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Spleen, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g Key Characteristics: Warms the Spleen and Stomach, promotes the movement of qi, and binds up the Intestines....

Six Conformations

TAIYANG CHANNEL STAGE WIND-COLD (WIND PREDOMINANT) Slight aversion to cold, aversion to wind, slight fever, slight sweating, headache, stiff neck, sneezing, floating-slow pulse. UB12 (+cupping), LU7, LI4, GB20, SJ5, ST36, DU16 Gui Zhi Tang TAIYANG CHANNEL STAGE...