He Zi

Botanical Name: Chebulae Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Bitter, Sour, Astringent Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Lung, Stomach, Large Intestine Dosage: 3-9g Key Characteristics: Directs the Lung qi downward and transforms phlegm to stop coughs...

The 5 Elements

Wu Xing Wu = 5 Xing = ‘movement’, ‘process’ Also translated as ‘the 5 phases’ Similar ideas of 5 (or 4) ‘elements’ is found in many philosophical systems, including Greek philosophy and Ayurveda. “When the Qi of the elements settles, things acquire form.”  The...

Wu Mei

Botanical Name: Mume Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sour, Astringent Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Liver, Lung, Spleen Dosage: 6-12g Key Characteristics: Preserves the Lungs, binds up the Intestine, stops bleeding, generates...

Wu Wei Zi

Botanical Name: Schisandrae Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sour, Sweet Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Heart, Kidney, Lung Dosage: 3-6g Key Characteristics: Contains leakage of Lung qi, grasps the qi, enriches the Kidneys, stops diarrhea, nourishes...

Shan Zhu Yu

Botanical Name: Corni Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sour Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Kidney, Liver Dosage: 6-12g Key Characteristics: Augments the Liver and Kidneys, secures the primal qi, and prevents abandonment. Cautions and...