Summary of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels

  Governing Vessel(Du Mai) Opening: SI3Coupled: BL62Starting: DU1 Connecting: DU1 -Influences external genitalia, back, spine, back of neck and head, shoulder-Moves stagnation, Qi and blood in back   ·       Tonifies Kidney-Yang·       Strengthens the...

The Lung Primary Channel

Originates in the Middle Jiao, in the region of the Stomach, near REN12, Descends to connect with the Large Intestine, Returns upwards to pass the cardiac orifice of the stomach and transverses the diaphragm, Penetrates the lung, Ascends to the throat region, Passes...

The Bladder Secondary Channels

THE BLADDER LUO-CONNECTING CHANNEL: Separates from the primary channel at Feiyang UB58 and connects with the Kidney channel. THE BLADDER DIVERGENT CHANNEL: Diverges from the primary channel in the popliteal fossa and ascends to a point five cun inferior to the sacrum,...

The Bladder Primary Channel

Begins at the inner canthus of the eye at Jingming UB1 and ascends along the forehead to the vertex to intersect with Toulinqi GB15, Shenting DU24  and Baihui DU20, From the vertex, a branch descends to the temples in the region above the ear, intersecting the...

The Channels and Collaterals

Channels & Collaterals Qi & blood circulate via channels. Qi manifests and maintains the body’s normal functions. Blood provides nourishment and substance. The channel system includes channels (larger rivers & seas) and collaterals (smaller streams and...

Primary Channel Pathology

Hand Tai Yin Lung Cough, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, fullness in the chest, pain in the supraclavicular fossa, shoulder pain, back pain, radial border arm pain.  Fever and sensitivity to cold, nasal congestion, headache, pain in the chest, clavicle, shoulder and...