Ban Xia Hou Po Tang

Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction Promote the Movement of Qi Actions: Promotes the movement of qi, dissipates clumps, directs rebellious qi downward, and transforms phlegm. Pattern: Plum-pit qi; Liver Qi stagnation with Phlegm. Ban Xia 9-12g Hou Po 9g Fu Ling 12g...

Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang

Drive Out Stasis from the Lower Abdomen Decoction Promote the Movement of Qi Actions: Invigorates the Blood, dispels Blood Stasis, warms the menses, alleviates pain. Pattern: Cold-induced Blood Stasis accumulation in the lower abdomen. Xiao Hui Xiang 1.5g Gan Jiang 3g...

Bu Gan Tang

Tonify the Liver Decoction Tonify the Blood Actions: Tonifies and regulates the blood and nourishes the Liver yin. Pattern: Liver blood and yin deficiency. Shu Di Huang: 9-21g Bai Shao: 9-15g Dang Gui: 9-12g Chuang Xiong: 3-6g Suan Zao Ren: 6-9g Mu Gua: 6-9g Zhi Gan...

Bu Fei Tang

Tonify the Lungs Decoction Tonify the Qi Actions: Augments the Qi and stabilizes the exterior. Pattern: Lung Qi deficiency. Ren Shen Huang Qi Shu Di Huang Wu Wei Zi Zi Wan Sang Bai Pi Ren Shen Huang Qi Shu Di Huang Wu Wei Zi Zi Wan Sang Bai...

Bu Fei E Jiao Tang

Tonify the Lungs Decoction with Ass-Hide Gelatin Enrich the Yin and Moisten Dryness Actions: Nourishes the yin, tonifies the Lungs, controls coughing, and stops bleeding. Pattern: Lung yin deficiency with vigorous heat disrupting the flow of Lung qi with cough,...

Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin

Dioscorea Hypoglauce Decoction to Separate the Clear Warm & Transform Water and Dampness Actions: Warms the Kidneys, drains dampness, and transforms and separates the turbid from the clear. Pattern: Cloudy painful urinary dysfunction (gao lin) due to cold from...