Ba Zhen Tang

Eight-Treasure Decoction Tonify the Qi and Blood Actions: Tonifies and augments the qi and blood. Pattern: Concurrent deficiency of qi and blood. Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Zhi Gan Cao Shu Di Huang Bai Shao Dang Gui Chuan Xiong            ...

Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San

Ligusticum Powder to be taken with Green Tea Category: Release Exterior Disorders with Head and Neck Symptoms Actions: Disperses wind and alleviates pain. Pattern: Headache due to externally-contracted wind. Depending on modifications can be used for either wind-cold...

Bai Hu Jia Gui Zhi Tang

White Tiger Plus Cinnamon Twig Formula Category: Formulas that Clear Heat from the Qi Level Actions: Clears heat, generates fluids, and stops pain. Pattern: Wind-Damp-Heat Bi, warm malarial disorders with intense internal Heat and mild external Cold. Shi Gao 48g Zhi...