Violae Herba

Zi Hua Di Ding

Zi Hua Di Ding

Category: Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity

Taste: Bitter, Acrid
Temperature: Cold
Channels: Heart, Liver

Dosage: 15-30g

Cautions & Contraindications:

  • Use with caution for yin-type sores.

Actions & Indications:

  • Clears heat and resolves toxicity: for reducing hot swellings, especially for red, swollen eyes; swollen, painful throat and ears, mumps, and snakebite.
  • Clears hot sores:  used internally and topically (usually fresh) for sores and abscesses, especially of the head and back.

    Zi Hua Di Ding

    Zi Hua Di Ding

