Ba Dou

Botanical Name: Crotonis Fructus Category: Harsh Expellants Taste: Acrid, ToxicChannels Entered: Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach  Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy and in weak patients.  Always use with extreme caution.  Croton oil...

Qian Niu Zi

Botanical Name: Pharbitidis Semen Category: Harsh Expellants Taste: bitter, acrid, toxicTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Lung, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, KidneyDosage: 3-6g; crush before decocting Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during...

Gan Sui

Botanical Name: Kansui Radix Category: Harsh Expellants Taste: bitter, sweetTemperature: coldChannels Entered: Kidney, Large Intestine, LungDosage: 0.5-1.5g Cautions and Contraindications: This substance is toxic and should only be used for ascites or other...

Dai Zhe Shi

Botanical Name: Haematitum Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: BitterTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Heart, Liver, PericardiumDosage: 9-30g in decoctions (crushed); 1-3g in pills and powders. Key Characteristics: Relies on its heaviness to suppress...

Wu Gong

Botanical Name: Scolopendra Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: LiverDosage: 1-3g in decoctions; 0.6-1g when powdered and swallowed. Key Characteristics: Extinguishes wind Stops spasms, seizures, and convulsions...

Quan Xie

Botanical Name: Scorpio Category: Extinguish Wind and Stops Tremors Taste: Salty, AcridTemperature: NeutralChannels Entered: LiverDosage: 2-4.5g in decoctions; 0.6-1g when powdered and swallowed. Key Characteristics: Strongly extinguishes Liver wind Stops spasms and...