Ju Hua

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemi FlosCommon Name: Chrysanthemum Flower Category: Cool, Acrid Release the Exterior Taste: Bitter, SweetTemperature: Slightly ColdChannels Entered: Lung, LiverDosage: 4.5-15g; Can be used in decoction, or crushed into a paste for topical...

Huo Xiang

Pogostemonis Agastaches Herba Aromatic Transform Dampness Taste: AcridTemperature: Slightly WarmChannels: Lung, Stomach, SpleenDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated where there is blazing fire from yin deficiency. Actions & Indications:...

Hou Po

Magnoliae officinalis Cortex Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness Taste: bitter, acridTemperature: warmChannels Entered: Large Intestine, Lung, Spleen, StomachDosage: 3-9g Cautions and Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy Actions and Indications:...

Shi Chang Pu

Acori tatarinowii RhizomaAromatic Open the Orifices Taste: Acrid, Bitter, AromaticTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Heart, StomachDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution in cases of yin deficiency with heat signs, or where there is...

Hu Po

Hu PoSuccinumResinAnchor, Settle & Calm the Spirit Taste: SweetTemperature: NeutralChannels Entered: Bladder, Heart, LiverDosage: 1.5-3g; do not decoct or calcine Key Characteristics: Settles and calms the spirit Unblocks blood stagnation Facilitates urination...

Zi Shi Ying

FluoritumFluoriteAnchor, Settle & Calm the Spirit Taste: SweetTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Heart, LiverDosage: 9-15g Key Characteristics: Calms the spirit Nourishes Liver blood Warms the Penetrating vessel, Conception vessel, and Womb Cautions &...