
Shaoshang LU11

Lesser Shang Jing-Well and Wood point of the Lung channel Sun Si-miao Ghost point Location: On the extensor aspect of the thumb, at the junction of lines drawn along the radial border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the...

Yuji LU10

Fish Border Ying-Spring and Fire point of the Lung channel  Location: On the thenar eminence of the hand, in a depression between the midpoint of the shaft of the first metacarpal bone and the thenar muscles.

Taiyuan LU9

Supreme Abyss Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source and Earth point of the Lung channel Hui-Meeting point of the Vessels Location: At the wrist joint, in the depression between the radial artery and the tendon of abductor pollicis longus, level with Shenmen HT7. Actions: Tonifies...

Jingqu LU8

Channel Gutter Jing-River and Metal point of the Lung channel Location: Above the wrist, 1 cun proximal to Taiyuan LU9, on the line connecting Taiyuan LU9 with Kongzui LU6, in the depression at the base of the styloid process of the radius and on the radial side of...

Lieque LU7

Broken Sequence Luo-Connecting point of the Lung channel Confluent point of the Conception vessel Gao Wu Command point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star point Location: On the radial aspect of the forearm, approximately 1.5 cun proximal to Yangxi LI5, in the cleft between the...

Kongzui LU6

Maximum Opening Xi-Cleft point of the Lung channel Location: On the flexor aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting Taiyuan LU9 with Chize LU5, 7 cun proximal to Taiyuan LU9. Actions: Disseminates and descends Lung qi Clears heat and moistens the Lung Clears heat...

Chize LU5

Cubit Marsh He-Sea and Water point of the Lung channel Location: On the cubital crease of the elbow, in the depression at the radial side of the tendon of biceps brachii. Actions: Clears heat from the Lung Descends rebellious qi Regulates the water passages Activates...

Xia Bai LU4

Clasping the White Location: On the antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm, 4 cun inferior to the axillary fold and 5 cun superior to Chize LU5, in the depression between the lateral border of the biceps brachii muscle and the shaft of the humerus. LU4 According to...

Tianfu LU3

Palace of Heaven Point of the Window of Heaven Location: On the antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun inferior to the axillary fold and 6 cun superior to Chize LU5, in the depression between the lateral border of the biceps brachii muscle and the shaft of the...

Unmen LU2

Cloud Gate Location: On the antero-lateral aspect of the chest, below the lateral extremity of the clavicle, 6 cun lateral to the midline, in the center of the hollow of the delto-pectoral triangle.

Zhong Fu LU1

Front-Mu point of the Lung Meeting point of the Lung and Spleen channels Location: On the lateral aspect of the chest, in the first intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the midline, 1 cun inferior to LU2. Actions: Disseminates and...

The Lung Primary Channel

Originates in the Middle Jiao, in the region of the Stomach, near REN12, Descends to connect with the Large Intestine, Returns upwards to pass the cardiac orifice of the stomach and transverses the diaphragm, Penetrates the lung, Ascends to the throat region, Passes...

Oketsu in Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture

Oketsu in Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture

Any type of 'dirty' or 'bad' blood. Clinical Manifestations Chronic digestive problems such as; stomach ulcers, acid stomach, chronic appendicitis and constipation. Arteriosclerosis, high BP, Stroke (pre/post) GYN problems Back pain, sciatica Rashes, eczema and skin...

Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture for Back Pain

The back is divided into 7 vertebrae segments, often pain in one section is resolved by treating an area 7 vertebrae away. T5 and T11,12 are very important for the whole spine. G.B.39/38 (needle upwards) – very important for spine (use for scoliosis) Any spinal...

Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture and the Thoracic Spine

Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture and the Thoracic Spine

 Area This Area Reflects This Area is Treated By This Area Treats T1 treats tail bone injury T2 - T6 Shen (on the Du) opens up ANS (especially T5) T2 - right G.B. G.B. T3 - T6 for breast issues - treat any area that feels weird T3 - T5 treat for neck (esp. C3) also...

Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture for Upper Extremity Pain

Categories of Disharmony  Neurovascular compression of the neck Structural Clinical Manifestations Poor posture, Trauma, Scar tissue, Chronic Stress, Repetitive overhead activities, Sugar Imbalance, Congenital Shoulder – normal range of motion 180 degrees. Usually...

Xinshu UB15

Heart Shu Back-Shu point of the Heart Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fifth thoracic vertebra (T5).

Jueyinshu UB14

Jeuyin Shu Back-Shu point of the Pericardium Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4).

Feishu UB13

Lung Shu Back-Shu point of the Lung Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of T3.

Fengmen UB12

Wind Gate Meeting point of the Bladder channel with the Governing vessel Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra.

Dazhu UB11

Great Shuttle Meeting point of the Bladder, Small Intestine, Sanjiao and Gallbladder channels and the Governing vessel Hui-Meeting point of Bones Point of the Sea of Blood Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first thoracic...

Tianzhu UB10

Celestial Pillar Point of the Window of Heaven Location: On the lateral aspect of the trapezius muscle, 1.3 cun lateral to Yamen DU15. Actions: Regulates qi and pacifies wind Benefits the head and sensory orifices Calms the spirit Activates the channel and alleviates...

Yuzhen UB9

Jade Pillow Location: 1.3 cun lateral to Naohu DU17 (which is located in the depression superior to the EOP, 1.5 cun superior to Fengfu DU16).

Luoque UB8

Declining Connection Location: 1.5 cun posterior to Tongtian UB7, and 5.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline.  

Tongtian UB7

Heavenly Connection Location: 1.5 cun posterior to Chengguang UB6 and 4 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline.

Wuchu UB5

Fifth Place Location: 0.5 cun directly posterior to Quchai UB4, 1 cun within the anterior hairline, and 1.5 cun lateral to Shangxing DU23.

Quchai UB4

Crooked Curve Location: 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to Shenting DU24 and one third of the distance between Shenting DU24 and Touwei ST8.

Meichong UB3

Eyebrows’ Pouring Location: Directly superior to Zanzhu UB2, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, level with Shenting DU24.

Zanzhu UB2

Gathered Bamboo Location: Superior to the inner canthus, in a depression on the eyebrow, close to its medial end.

Jingmen UB1

JINGMEN UB1 Bright Eyes Meeting point of the Bladder, Small Intestine, Stomach, Gallbladder and Sanjiao chanels with the Governing, Yin Motility and Yang Motility vessels Location: 0.1 cun medial and superior to the inner canthus of the eye, near the medial border of...

The Bladder Secondary Channels

THE BLADDER LUO-CONNECTING CHANNEL: Separates from the primary channel at Feiyang UB58 and connects with the Kidney channel. THE BLADDER DIVERGENT CHANNEL: Diverges from the primary channel in the popliteal fossa and ascends to a point five cun inferior to the sacrum,...

The Bladder Primary Channel

Begins at the inner canthus of the eye at Jingming UB1 and ascends along the forehead to the vertex to intersect with Toulinqi GB15, Shenting DU24  and Baihui DU20, From the vertex, a branch descends to the temples in the region above the ear, intersecting the...

The Channels and Collaterals

Channels & Collaterals Qi & blood circulate via channels. Qi manifests and maintains the body’s normal functions. Blood provides nourishment and substance. The channel system includes channels (larger rivers & seas) and collaterals (smaller streams and...

Primary Channel Pathology

Hand Tai Yin Lung Cough, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, fullness in the chest, pain in the supraclavicular fossa, shoulder pain, back pain, radial border arm pain.  Fever and sensitivity to cold, nasal congestion, headache, pain in the chest, clavicle, shoulder and...

Front-Mu Points

Lung LU1 Large Intestine ST25 Stomach REN12 Spleen LV13 Heart REN14 Small Intestine REN4 Bladder REN3 Kidney GB25 Pericardium REN17 Sanjiao REN5 Gallbladder GB24 Liver LV14

Luo-Connecting Points

Lung LU7 Large Intestine LI6 Stomach ST40 Spleen SP4 Heart HT5 Small Intestine SI7 Bladder UB58 Kidney KD4 Pericardium PC6 Sanjiao SJ5 Gallbladder GB37 Liver LV5

Yuan-Source Points

Lung LU9 Large Intestine LI4 Stomach ST42 Spleen SP3 Heart HT7 Small Intestine SI4 Bladder BL64 Kidney KD3 Pericardium PC7 San Jiao SJ4 Gallbladder GB40 Liver LV3   Yuan-source points are the points at which the original qi surfaces and lingers. On the yin...

Xi-Cleft Points

Lung LU6 Large Intestine LI7   Stomach ST34 Spleen SP8 Heart HT6 Small Intestine SI6 Bladder  UB63 Kidney KD5 Pericardium P4 San Jiao SJ7 Gallbladder GB36 Liver LV6 Xi-cleft points are where the qi and blood gather and plunge more deeply.  In general the xi-cleft...