Xi Gua

Category: Herbs that Drain Fire Pharmaceutical: Citrulli FructusEnglish: watermelon fruit Taste: sweetTemperature: coldChannels entered: Bladder, Heart, StomachDosage:15-30g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution in those with cold from deficiency of the...

Zhi Mu

Anemarrhenae Rhizoma Category: Herbs that Drain Fire Taste: Bitter, SweetTemperature: ColdChannels entered: Lung, Stomach, KidneyDosage: 6-12g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases of cold from deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach, or diarrhea....

Shi Gao

Gypsum FibrosumCategory: Herb that Clear Heat Taste: Sweet, AcridTemperature: Very ColdChannels: Lung, StomachDosage: 15-60g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases of cold from deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach. Contraindicated in cases of fever...

Xinshu UB15

Heart Shu Back-Shu point of the Heart Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fifth thoracic vertebra (T5)....

Jueyinshu UB14

Jeuyin Shu Back-Shu point of the Pericardium Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4)....

Feishu UB13

Lung Shu Back-Shu point of the Lung Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of T3....

Fengmen UB12

Wind Gate Meeting point of the Bladder channel with the Governing vessel Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra....

Dazhu UB11

Great Shuttle Meeting point of the Bladder, Small Intestine, Sanjiao and Gallbladder channels and the Governing vessel Hui-Meeting point of Bones Point of the Sea of Blood Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first thoracic...

Tianzhu UB10

Celestial Pillar Point of the Window of Heaven Location: On the lateral aspect of the trapezius muscle, 1.3 cun lateral to Yamen DU15. Actions: Regulates qi and pacifies wind Benefits the head and sensory orifices Calms the spirit Activates the channel and alleviates...

Yuzhen UB9

Jade Pillow Location: 1.3 cun lateral to Naohu DU17 (which is located in the depression superior to the EOP, 1.5 cun superior to Fengfu DU16)....

Luoque UB8

Declining Connection Location: 1.5 cun posterior to Tongtian UB7, and 5.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline.  ...

Tongtian UB7

Heavenly Connection Location: 1.5 cun posterior to Chengguang UB6 and 4 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline....

Chengguang UB6

Receiving Light Location: 1.5 cun posterior to Wuchu UB5, 2.5 cun within the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the midline....

Wuchu UB5

Fifth Place Location: 0.5 cun directly posterior to Quchai UB4, 1 cun within the anterior hairline, and 1.5 cun lateral to Shangxing DU23....

Quchai UB4

Crooked Curve Location: 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to Shenting DU24 and one third of the distance between Shenting DU24 and Touwei ST8....

Meichong UB3

Eyebrows’ Pouring Location: Directly superior to Zanzhu UB2, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, level with Shenting DU24....

Zanzhu UB2

Gathered Bamboo Location: Superior to the inner canthus, in a depression on the eyebrow, close to its medial end....

Jingmen UB1

JINGMEN UB1 Bright Eyes Meeting point of the Bladder, Small Intestine, Stomach, Gallbladder and Sanjiao chanels with the Governing, Yin Motility and Yang Motility vessels Location: 0.1 cun medial and superior to the inner canthus of the eye, near the medial border of...

The Bladder Secondary Channels

THE BLADDER LUO-CONNECTING CHANNEL: Separates from the primary channel at Feiyang UB58 and connects with the Kidney channel. THE BLADDER DIVERGENT CHANNEL: Diverges from the primary channel in the popliteal fossa and ascends to a point five cun inferior to the sacrum,...

The Bladder Primary Channel

Begins at the inner canthus of the eye at Jingming UB1 and ascends along the forehead to the vertex to intersect with Toulinqi GB15, Shenting DU24  and Baihui DU20, From the vertex, a branch descends to the temples in the region above the ear, intersecting the...

The Channels and Collaterals

Channels & Collaterals Qi & blood circulate via channels. Qi manifests and maintains the body’s normal functions. Blood provides nourishment and substance. The channel system includes channels (larger rivers & seas) and collaterals (smaller streams and...

Primary Channel Pathology

Hand Tai Yin Lung Cough, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, fullness in the chest, pain in the supraclavicular fossa, shoulder pain, back pain, radial border arm pain.  Fever and sensitivity to cold, nasal congestion, headache, pain in the chest, clavicle, shoulder and...

Ban Xia Hou Po Tang

Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction Promote the Movement of Qi Actions: Promotes the movement of qi, dissipates clumps, directs rebellious qi downward, and transforms phlegm. Pattern: Plum-pit qi; Liver Qi stagnation with Phlegm. Ban Xia 9-12g Hou Po 9g Fu Ling 12g...

Ju Hong

Botanical Name: Citri Reticulatae Exocarpium RubrumCategory: Regulate the Qi   Taste: Bitter, AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Lung, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: s  This is an acrid, dispersing substance that is bitter and drying....

Huang Qin

Botanical Name: Scutellariae RadixCategory: Clear Heat and Dry Damp Taste: BitterTemperature:Channels Entered: lung, stomach, large intestine Dosage: 3-9g Actions and Indications: Clears heat and dries dampness: a major herb for damp heat in the stomach or intestines...

Huang Lian

Botanical Name: Coptidis RhizomaCategory: Clear Heat and Dry Damp Taste: bitterTemperature: coldChannels Entered: Heart, Large Intestine, Liver, Stomach Dosage: 1.5-9g Cautions and Contraindications: Should be used with caution in those with patterns of cold, yang...

Huang Bai

Botanical Name: Phellodendri CortexEnglish Name: phellodendron bark Category: Clear Heat and Dry Damp Taste: bitterTemperature: coldChannels Entered: kidney, bladder Dosage: 3-12g Cautions and Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases of cold from deficiency in the...

Long Dan Cao

Botanical Name: Gentianae RadixCategory: Clear Heat, Dry Damp Taste: BitterTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Stomach, Gallbladder, Liver Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindincated in cases of cold from deficiency of the Spleen or Stomach. Actions...

Ku Shen

Botanical Name: Sophorae flavescentis RadixCategory: Clear Heat, Dry Damp Taste: BitterTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Liver Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases of cold...

Qin Pi

Botanical Name: Fraxini CortexCategory: Clear Heat, Dry Damp Taste: Astringent, BitterTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach, Gallbladder, Liver Dosage: 6-12g Cautions & Contraindications: None Actions & Indications: Cools heat, resolves...

Qiang Huo

Botanical Name: Notopterygii Rhizoma seu RadixCategory: Warm, Acrid, Release the Exterior Taste: Acrid, Bitter, AromaticTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Bladder, Kidney Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated for blood-deficient painful...

Bai Zhi

Botanical Name: Angelicae dahuricae RadixCategory: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Lung, Spleen, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g Key Characteristics: Releases the exterior Opens the orifices (especially nose) Dries...

Gao Ben

Botanical Name: Ligustici RhizomaCategory: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Bladder, Governing vessel Dosage: 3-9g Key Characteristics: Powerfully ascending nature reaches the vertex where it treats headaches...

Xi Xin

Botanical Name: Asari HerbaCategory: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Lung, Heart, Kidney Dosage: 1-3g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated where there is profuse sweating from qi deficiency, or...

Cang Er Zi

Botanical Name: Xanthii FructusCategory: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release Exterior Taste: Bitter, Sweet, ToxicTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Lung Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Overdosage can lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Several...

Xin Yi

Botanical Name: Magnoliae FlosCategory: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Lung, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g; crush before decocting Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases of fire from yin...

Sheng Jiang

Sheng Jiang Botanical Name: Zingiberis Rhizoma recensCommon Name: Fresh Ginger Category: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: AcridTemperature: Slightly WarmChannels Entered: Lung, Spleen, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: As with...

Cong Bai

Botanical Name: Alli fistulosi BulbusCommon Name: Scallion Category: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Lung, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with profuse sweating...

Fang Feng

Botanical Name: Saposhnikoviae Radix Category: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: Acrid, SweetTemperature: Slightly WarmChannels Entered: Bladder, Liver ,Spleen Dosage: 4.5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated with exuberant fire from...

Jing Jie

Botanical Name: Schizonopetae HerbaCategory: Warm, Acrid herbs that Release the Exterior  Taste: AcridTemperature: Slightly WarmChannels Entered: Lung, Liver Dosage: 4.5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated with deficiency of the exterior, fully...

Gui Zhi

Botanical Name: Cinnamomi RamulusCategory: Warm, Acrid herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: Acrid, SweetTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Heart, Lung, Bladder Dosage: 3-9g; for decoctions, add near the end of cooking Cautions & Contraindications:...

Ma Huang

Botanical Name: Ephedrae HerbaCategory: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: Acrid, Slightly BitterTemperature: WarmChannels entered: Lung, Bladder Dosage: 2-9g Key Characteristics: Induces sweating Calms wheezing Promotes urination Cautions &...

Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior

Herbs that Release the Exterior Exterior-releasing herbs are those that release disorders lodged in the very superficial levels of the body.  Symptoms associated with the exterior are chills, fever, headache, stiff neck, and general muscle aches.  Sometimes sweating...

Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang

Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction Actions: Releases the muscle layer and exterior and harmonizes and releases Shao Yang disorders. Gui Zhi 4.5g Huang Qin 4.5g Ren Shen 4.5g Gan Cao 3g Ban Xia 6-9g Shao Yao 4.5g Chai Hu 12g Sheng Jiang 4.5g Da Zao 6 pieces Gui Zhi...

Chen Pi

Citri reticulatae PericarpiumRegulate the Qi Taste: Acrid,Bitter, AromaticTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Lung, Spleen, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g Cautions and Contraindications: This herb is bitter and drying.  It should be used with caution in those with heat from...

Herbs that Regulate the Qi

Functions of herbs to regulate the Qi Regulate, harmonize, or spread Qi to treat Qi stagnation, which can be caused by emotional disturbance, accumulation of internal cold, heat, water, phlegm, or food.  Qi stagnation can also occur with trauma or Blood stagnation. Qi...

Cang Er Zi San

Xanthium Powder Release Exterior Disorders with Head and Neck Symptoms Actions: Disperses wind, alleviates pain, and unblocks the nose. Pattern: Bi Yuan (profuse nasal discharge) caused by wind-heat attacking the head. Cang Er Zi 6-9g Xin Yi Hua 3-6g Bai Zhi 6-9g Bo...

Si Ni San

Frigid Extremities PowderRegulate and Harmonize the Liver & Spleen Actions: Vents pathogenic influences, releases constraint, spreads the Liver qi, and regulates the Spleen. Pattern: Yang collapse. Chai Hu 9-12g Zhi Shi 9-12g Bai Shao 12-24g Zhi Gan Cao 6-9g Chai...

Xuan Shen

Botanical Name: Scrophulariae Radix Category: Clear Heat, Cool the Blood Taste: Bitter, Sweet, SaltyTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Lung, Stomach, KidneyDosage: 9-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases of cold dampness of the Spleen and...

Sheng Di Huang

Botanical Name: Rehmanniae Radix Category: Clear Heat, Cool the Blood Taste: ColdTemperature: Sweet, BitterChannels Entered: Heart, Kidney, LiverDosage: 9-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated with significant dampness from Spleen deficiency or with...

Shui Niu Jiao

Botanical Name: Bubali Cornu Category: Clear Heat, Cool the Blood Taste: SaltyTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Heart, Liver, StomachDosage: 30-120g in decoction; 6-15g as a powder Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution in those with cold from deficiency...

Yin Chai Hu

Botanical Name: Stellarie Radix Category: Clear Heat from Deficiency Taste: SweetTemperature: Slighty ColdChannels Entered: Stomach, LiverDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with blood deficiency without heat. Actions &...

Bai Wei

Botanical Name: Cynanchi atrati Radix Category: Clear Heat from Deficiency Taste: Bitter, SaltyTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Lung, Stomach, Kidney Dosage: 3-12g Cautions & Contraindications: None Actions & Indications: Clears heat and cools the blood: for...

Di Gu Pi

Botanical Name: Lycii Cortex Category: Clear Heat from Deficiency Taste: Sweet, BlandTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Lung, Kidney, LiverDosage: 6-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated for those with loose stools due to Spleen deficiency. Actions...

Qing Hao

Botanical Name: Artemisiae annuae Herba Category: Clear Heat from Deficiency Taste: BitterTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Kidney, Liver, GallbladderDosage: 6-12g Cautions and Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with weak digestion or watery diarrhea....

Cao Guo

Botanical Name: Tsaoko Fructus Category: Aromatic Transform Dampness Taste: AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Stomach, SpleenDosage: 3-6g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases with yin or blood deficiency. Actions & Indications: Strongly...

Sha Ren

Botanical Name: Amomi Fructus Category: Aromatic Transform Dampness Taste: Acrid, AromaticTemperature: WarmChannels: Stomach, SpleenDosage: 3-6g Cautions & Contraindications: Do not use in cases of heat from yin deficiency. Actions & Indications: Promotes the...

Cao Dou Kou

Botanical Name: Alpiniae Katsumadai Semen Category: Aromatic Transform Dampness Taste: Acrid, AromaticTemperature: WarmChannels: Stomach, SpleenDosage: 3-6g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases with yin or blood deficiency. Actions &...

Formulas that Clear Heat from the Qi Level

Formula Ingredients Pattern Actions Indications Bai Hu Tang White Tiger Decoction Shi Gao Blazing heat in Yang Ming Channel stage or qi level Clears qi level heat Drains ST fire Generates fluids Alleviates thirst High fever with profuse sweating and aversion to heat,...

Formulas that Release Exterior Cold

Formula Ingredients Pattern Actions Indications Ma Huang Tang Ephedra Decoction Ma Huang Wind-cold attacking the exterior Release exterior cold Arrests wheezing Fever & chills (chills predominant) without sweating, headache, generalized body aches, wheezing. T:...

Formulas that Release Exterior Wind-Heat

Formula Ingredients Pattern Actions Indications Sang Ju Yin Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthem Decoction Sang Ye Ju Hua Early superficial stage of warm-febrile disease Releases exterior wind-heat Stops coughing by facilitating flow of LU qi Slight fever, cough, slight...

Summary of Medicinal Herbs

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  J  K  L  M  N  P  Q  R  S  T  W  X  Y  Z Ai Ye Artemisiae Argyii Folium Stop Bleeding acrid, bitter warm KD, LV, SP 3-9g Warms the Womb and stops bleeding: for prolonged menstrual bleeding and uterine bleeding due to cold from deficiency. ...

Zi Su Ye

Botanical Name: Perilliae Folium Category: Warm, Acrid, Release the Exterior Taste: Acrid, AromaticTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Lung, Spleen Dosage: 5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with warm pathogen disease, or with qi and...

Sang Ye

Botanical Name: Mori Folium Common Name: Mulberry LeafCategory: Cool, Acrid Release the Exterior Taste: Bitter, SweetTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Lung, LiverDosage: 4.5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: None Actions & Indications: Disperses and scatters...

Niu Bang Zi

Botanical Name: Arctii FructusCategory: Cool, Acrid Release the Exterior Taste: Bitter, AcridTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Lung, StomachDosage: 6-12g; should be ground or crushed before decocting. Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution in cases of Qi...

Ju Hua

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemi FlosCommon Name: Chrysanthemum Flower Category: Cool, Acrid Release the Exterior Taste: Bitter, SweetTemperature: Slightly ColdChannels Entered: Lung, LiverDosage: 4.5-15g; Can be used in decoction, or crushed into a paste for topical...

Chan Tui

Cicadae Periostracum Cool, Acrid Release the Exterior Taste: Sweet, SaltyTemperature: Slightly ColdChannels: Lung, LiverDosage: 3-9g; Crush before decocting. Cautions & Contraindications: Many premodern materia medica texts record the use of this substance for...

Bai Dou Kou

Botanical Name: Amomi Fructus Rotundus Category: Aromatic Transform Dampness Taste: Acrid, Aromatic Temperature: Warm Channels: Lung, Stomach, SpleenDosage: 3-6g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with yin or blood deficiency. Actions &...

Chai Hu

Bupleuri Radix Cool, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior Taste: Bitter, acridTemperature: coolChannels Entered: Gallbladder, Liver, Pericardium, San Jiao (Shao Yang and Jue Yin)Dosage: 3-9g (up to 18g) Cautions & Contraindications: Should not be used when the...

Bo He

Menthae haplocalycis HerbaCool, Acrid herbs that Release the Exterior Menthae haplocalycis Herba is officially listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia as the dried aerial part of Mentha haplocalyx Briq. (Fam. Labiatae). This herb is used for fever due to exogenous...

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang

Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi DecoctionTonify the Qi Actions: Tonifies the Qi of the middle Jiao and raises sunken Yang. Pattern: Deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach qi leading to sinking of the Yang. Huang Qi 12-24g Ren Shen 9-12g Bai Zhu 9-12g Zhi Gan Cao...

Back-Shu Points

Lung UB13 Large Intestine UB25 Stomach UB21 Spleen UB20 Heart UB15 Small Intestine UB27 Bladder UB28 Kidney UB23 Pericardium UB14 Sanjiao UB22 Gallbladder UB19 Liver UB18...

Front-Mu Points

Lung LU1 Large Intestine ST25 Stomach REN12 Spleen LV13 Heart REN14 Small Intestine REN4 Bladder REN3 Kidney GB25 Pericardium REN17 Sanjiao REN5 Gallbladder GB24 Liver LV14...

Yuan-Source Points

Lung LU9 Large Intestine LI4 Stomach ST42 Spleen SP3 Heart HT7 Small Intestine SI4 Bladder BL64 Kidney KD3 Pericardium PC7 San Jiao SJ4 Gallbladder GB40 Liver LV3   Yuan-source points are the points at which the original qi surfaces and lingers. On the yin...

Xi-Cleft Points

Lung LU6 Large Intestine LI7   Stomach ST34 Spleen SP8 Heart HT6 Small Intestine SI6 Bladder  UB63 Kidney KD5 Pericardium P4 San Jiao SJ7 Gallbladder GB36 Liver LV6 Xi-cleft points are where the qi and blood gather and plunge more deeply.  In general the xi-cleft...

Antique Points

All are located at or distal to the knee and elbow joints. In these areas the qi is at its most dynamic, and therefore the shu transporting points are an important part of many acupuncture prescriptions. “The point at which the qi emanates is known as the jing-well....

Cang Zhu

Atractylodis Rhizoma Aromatic Transform Dampness Taste: Bitter, AcridTemperature: WarmChannels: Stomach, SpleenDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated for internal heat from yin deficiency or where there is profuse sweating form deficiency in...

Huo Xiang

Pogostemonis Agastaches Herba Aromatic Transform Dampness Taste: AcridTemperature: Slightly WarmChannels: Lung, Stomach, SpleenDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated where there is blazing fire from yin deficiency. Actions & Indications:...

Hou Po

Magnoliae officinalis Cortex Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness Taste: bitter, acridTemperature: warmChannels Entered: Large Intestine, Lung, Spleen, StomachDosage: 3-9g Cautions and Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy Actions and Indications:...

Shi Chang Pu

Acori tatarinowii RhizomaAromatic Open the Orifices Taste: Acrid, Bitter, AromaticTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Heart, StomachDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution in cases of yin deficiency with heat signs, or where there is...

Ban Xia Hou Po Tang

Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction Promote the Movement of Qi Actions: Promotes the movement of qi, dissipates clumps, directs rebellious qi downward, and transforms phlegm. Pattern: Plum-pit qi; Liver Qi stagnation with Phlegm. Ban Xia 9-12g Hou Po 9g Fu Ling 12g...

Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang

Drive Out Stasis from the Lower Abdomen Decoction Promote the Movement of Qi Actions: Invigorates the Blood, dispels Blood Stasis, warms the menses, alleviates pain. Pattern: Cold-induced Blood Stasis accumulation in the lower abdomen. Xiao Hui Xiang 1.5g Gan Jiang 3g...

Bu Gan Tang

Tonify the Liver Decoction Tonify the Blood Actions: Tonifies and regulates the blood and nourishes the Liver yin. Pattern: Liver blood and yin deficiency. Shu Di Huang: 9-21g Bai Shao: 9-15g Dang Gui: 9-12g Chuang Xiong: 3-6g Suan Zao Ren: 6-9g Mu Gua: 6-9g Zhi Gan...

Bu Fei Tang

Tonify the Lungs Decoction Tonify the Qi Actions: Augments the Qi and stabilizes the exterior. Pattern: Lung Qi deficiency. Ren Shen Huang Qi Shu Di Huang Wu Wei Zi Zi Wan Sang Bai Pi Ren Shen Huang Qi Shu Di Huang Wu Wei Zi Zi Wan Sang Bai Pi...

Bu Fei E Jiao Tang

Tonify the Lungs Decoction with Ass-Hide Gelatin Enrich the Yin and Moisten Dryness Actions: Nourishes the yin, tonifies the Lungs, controls coughing, and stops bleeding. Pattern: Lung yin deficiency with vigorous heat disrupting the flow of Lung qi with cough,...

Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin

Dioscorea Hypoglauce Decoction to Separate the Clear Warm & Transform Water and Dampness Actions: Warms the Kidneys, drains dampness, and transforms and separates the turbid from the clear. Pattern: Cloudy painful urinary dysfunction (gao lin) due to cold from...