Zhi He Shou Wu

Botanical Name: Polygoni multiflori Radix preparata Category: Tonify the Blood Taste: Bitter, Sweet, Astringent Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Liver, Kidney Dosage: 9-30g Key Characteristics: Nourishes the blood and yin and preserves the essence....

Shu Di Huang

Botanical Name: Rehmanniae Radix preparata Category: Tonify the Blood Taste: Sweet Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Heart, Kidney, Liver Dosage: 9-30g Key Characteristics: Tonifies the blood, enriches the yin, generates essence, and augments the marrow....

Huai Mi

Botanical Name: Sophorae Flos immaturus Category: Stop Bleeding Taste: Bitter Temperature: Cool Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Liver Dosage: 4.5-9g Key Characteristics: Cools the blood Clears heat to stop chaotic bleeding Stops bleeding (especially lower Jiao)...

Di Yu

Botanical Name: Sanguisorbae Radix Category: Stop Bleeding Taste: Sour, Bitter Temperature: Slightly Cold Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach, Liver Dosage: 9-15g Key Characteristics: Cools heat in the blood Stops bleeding (lower Jiao) Resolves toxicity...

Xian He Cao

Botanical Name: Agrimoniae Herba Category: Stop Bleeding Taste: Astringent, Bitter Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Lung, Spleen, Liver Dosage: 6-12g Key Characteristics: Binds and inhibits bleeding (internal & external) Restrains diarrhea Kills Parasites...

Pu Huang

Botanical Name: Typhae Pollen English: Cattail Pollen Category: Stop Bleeding Taste: Sweet, Acrid Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Spleen, Heart, Liver Dosage: 3-9g Key Characteristics: Stops bleeding, removes blood stasis, and promotes urination. Cautions &...

San Qi

Botanical Name: Notoginseng Radix Alternate Name: Tian Qi Category: Stop Bleeding Taste: Wweet, slightly Bitter Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Liver, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g in decoctions; 1-1.5g in pills and powders up to three times a day. Key...

Hai Piao Xiao

Botanical Name: Sepiae Endoconcha Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Salty, Astringent Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Kidney, Liver, Stomach Dosage: 6-12g Cautions & Contraindications: Extended use may lead to constipation. According to some...

Fu Xiao Mai

Botanical Name: Tritici Fructus levis Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sweet, Slightly Salty Temperature: Cool Channels Entered: Heart Dosage: 15-30g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated when sweating is caused by a pathogen in the exterior. Actions...

Fu Pen Zi

Botanical Name: Rubi Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sweet, Astringent Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Kidney, Liver Dosage: 6-12g Key Characteristics: Augments the true yin of the Kidneys, contains the urine, and secures the essence. Cautions...

Jin Ying Zi

Botanical Name: Rosae laevigatae Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sour, Astringent Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Bladder, Kidney, Large Intestine Dosage: 6-12g in decoctions; if used alone, up to 30g Key Characteristics: Binds the lower burner in...

Qian Shi

Botanical Name: Euryales Semen Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sweet, Astringent Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Kidneys, Spleen Dosage: 9-15g Key Characteristics: Tonifies and restrains the Spleen and Kidneys, and eliminates dampness. Cautions &...

Lian Xu

Botanical Name: Nelumbinis Stamen Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sweet, Astringent Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Heart, Kidney, Liver Dosage: 3-9g Key Characteristics: More strongly astringent than lotus seeds, but otherwise similar in action. Cautions...

Lian Zi

Botanical Name: Nelumbinis Semen Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sweet, Astringent Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Heart, Kidney, Spleen Dosage: 6-15g Key Characteristics: Tonifies and stabilizes the Spleen, Heart, and Kidneys; calms the spirit. Cautions...

Zang Fu Patterns

GALLBLADDER DAMPNESS Jaundice, dull-yellow eyes and skin, hypochondrial pain, fullness and distention, nausea, vomiting, inability to digest fats, dull-yellow sclera, turbid urine, lack of thirst, sticky taste, dull headache, a feeling of heaviness, thick sticky white...

Chi Shi Zhi

Botanical Name: Halloysitum rubrum Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sweet, Sour, Astringent Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine Dosage: 9-18g Key Characteristics: Binds to stop chronic diarrhea and uterine bleeding, generates...

Chun Pi

Botanical Name: Ailanthi Cortex Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Bitter, Astringent Temperature: Cold Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach Dosage: 6-9g Key Characteristics: Dries dampness, cools heat, binds the Intestines, stops bleeding, and kills...

Four Levels

WEI LEVEL WIND-HEAT Fever, aversion to cold, headache, sore throat, slight sweating, runny nose with yellow discharge, swollen tonsils, body aches, slight thirst, tongue red in the front or sides with thin white coat, floating-rapid pulse. LI4, LI11, SJ5, DU14, UB12...

Six Conformations

TAIYANG CHANNEL STAGE WIND-COLD (WIND PREDOMINANT) Slight aversion to cold, aversion to wind, slight fever, slight sweating, headache, stiff neck, sneezing, floating-slow pulse. UB12 (+cupping), LU7, LI4, GB20, SJ5, ST36, DU16 Gui Zhi Tang TAIYANG CHANNEL STAGE...

Rou Dou Kou

Botanical Name: Myristicae Semen Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Acrid Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Spleen, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g Key Characteristics: Warms the Spleen and Stomach, promotes the movement of qi, and binds up the Intestines....

He Zi

Botanical Name: Chebulae Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Bitter, Sour, Astringent Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Lung, Stomach, Large Intestine Dosage: 3-9g Key Characteristics: Directs the Lung qi downward and transforms phlegm to stop coughs...

The 5 Elements

Wu Xing Wu = 5 Xing = ‘movement’, ‘process’ Also translated as ‘the 5 phases’ Similar ideas of 5 (or 4) ‘elements’ is found in many philosophical systems, including Greek philosophy and Ayurveda. “When the Qi of the elements settles, things acquire form.”  The...

Wu Mei

Botanical Name: Mume Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sour, Astringent Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Liver, Lung, Spleen Dosage: 6-12g Key Characteristics: Preserves the Lungs, binds up the Intestine, stops bleeding, generates...

Wu Wei Zi

Botanical Name: Schisandrae Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sour, Sweet Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Heart, Kidney, Lung Dosage: 3-6g Key Characteristics: Contains leakage of Lung qi, grasps the qi, enriches the Kidneys, stops diarrhea, nourishes...

Shan Zhu Yu

Botanical Name: Corni Fructus Category: Stabilize & Bind Taste: Sour Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Kidney, Liver Dosage: 6-12g Key Characteristics: Augments the Liver and Kidneys, secures the primal qi, and prevents abandonment. Cautions and...

Lai Fu Zi

Botanical Name: Raphani Semen Category: Relieve Food Stagnation Taste: Sweet, Acrid Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Lung, Stomach, Spleen Dosage: 4.5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Inappropriate in the absence of food stagnation, phlegm, or other form of...

Ji Nei Jin

Botanical Name: Gigeriae Galli Endothelium Corneum Category: Relieve Food Stagnation Taste: Sweet Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Stomach, Spleen, Small Intestine, Bladder Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution in those with Spleen...

Shen Qu

Botanical Name: Massa Medicata Fermentata Category: Relieve Food Stagnation   Taste: Sweet, Acrid Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Stomach, Spleen   Dosage: 6-15g     Cautions & Contraindications: None   Actions & Indications:...

Gu Ya

Botanical Name: Setariae (Oryzae) Fructus Germinatus Category: Relieve Food Stagnation Taste: Sweet Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Stomach, Spleen Dosage: 9-15g Cautions & Contraindications: None Actions & Indications: Reduces food stagnation and...

Mai Ya

Botanical Name: Hordei Fructus Germinatus Category: Relieve Food Stagnation Taste: Sweet Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Stomach, Spleen, Liver Dosage: 9-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in women during lactation, except in a very low...

Shan Zha

Botanical Name: Crataegi Fructus Category: Relieve Food Stagnation Taste: Sour, Sweet Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Liver, Spleen, Stomach Dosage: 9-12g Cautions and Contraindications: Use with caution in those with weakness or deficiency of the Spleen...

Sang Bai Pi

Botanical Name: Mori Cortex Category: Relieve Cough and Wheeze Taste: Sweet Temperature: Cold Channels Entered: Lung Dosage: 6-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated for cough or wheezing from Lung cold. Actions & Indications: Drains heat from the...

Pi Pa Ye

Botanical Name: Eriobotryae Folium Category: Relieve Cough and Wheeze Taste: Bitter Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Lung, Stomach Dosage: 6-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution for cough or vomiting due to cold. Actions & Indications:...

Su Zi

Botanical Name: Perilliae Fructus Category: Relieve Cough and Wheeze Taste: Acrid, Aromatic Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Lung, Large Intestine Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated where there is severe diarrhea from qi deficiency....

Kuan Dong Hua

Botanical Name: Farfarae Flos Category: Relieve Cough and Wheeze Taste: Acrid Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Lung Dosage: 4.5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution in those with coughing of blood or pus and blood. Actions & Indications:...

Zi Wan

Botanical Name: Asteris Radix Category: Relieve Cough and Wheeze Taste: Bitter, Acrid Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Lung Dosage: 5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: None Actions & Indications: Relieves coughs and expels phlegm: an important herb...

Xing Ren

Botanical Name: Armenicae Semen Category: Relieve Coughing and Wheezing English Name: Apricot seed Taste: bitter Temperature: slightly warm Channels Entered: Lung, Large Intestine Dosage:3-9g Cautions and Contraindications: Slightly toxic. Should not be used for...

Mu Xiang

Botanical Name: Auklandiae Radix Category: Regulate the Qi Taste: Bitter, Acrid Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Spleen, San Jiao, Gallbladder Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution with those with depleted fluids, yin xu,...

Da Fu Pi

Botanical Name: Arecae Pericarpium Category: Regulate the Qi Taste: Acrid Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen, Small Intestine Dosage: 4.5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy. Allergic...

The Four Qi

The Four Qi (Temperatures) Each herb or food has its own Qi, or temperature: Hot Warm Cool Cold Hot and cold herbs have an opposite nature, corresponding to Yang and Yin.  Warm and cool herbs share the same natures as hot and cold, but to a lesser degree. Herbs...

The Five Flavors

The Five Elements and Flavors Element Flavor Wood Sour Fire Bitter Earth Sweet Metal Pungent Water Salty Sour Sour enters the Liver and Gallbladder. It is Yin and cooling in nature. Sour astringes to stop sweating, restrains leakages, and stops diarrhea. Sour’s...

Gui Zhi Tang

Cinnamon Twig Decoction Release Exterior Cold Actions: Releases pathogenic influences from the muscle layer and regulates the Ying and Wei Qi. Key Symptoms: spontaneous sweating, tight rectus muscles. Pattern: Exterior Cold from deficiency. Tai Yang deficiency. Also...

Chuan Lian Zi

Botanical Name: Toosendan Fructus Category: Regulate the Qi Taste: Bitter, Toxic Temperature: Cold Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach, Bladder, Liver Dosage: 4.5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with cold from deficiency of the SP...

Tan Xiang

Botanical Name: Santali Albi Lignum Category: Regulate the Qi Taste: Acrid, Aromatic Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Lung, Stomach, Spleen Dosage: 2-5g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated when there is fire or significant yin xu.  Actions &...

Wu Yao

Botanical Name: Linderae Radix Category: Regulate the Qi Taste: Acrid Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Lung, Spleen, Bladder, Kidney Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Because this herb is acrid, warm, and drying, it can disperse the qi and deplete the...

Xiang Fu

Botanical Name: Cyperi Rhizoma Category: Regulate the Qi Taste: Bitter, Acrid Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: San Jiao, Gallbladder, Liver Dosage: 6-12g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with qi xu and no stagnation, or in those with...

Zhi Ke

Zhi Qiao Botanical Name: Aurantii Fructus Category: Regulate the Qi Taste: Bitter, Acrid Temperature: Slightly Cold Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy. Actions &...

Zhi Shi

Botanical Name: Aurantii Fructus Immaturus Category: Regulate the Qi Taste: Bitter, Acrid Temperature: Slightly Cold Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy and in those with...

Qing Pi

Botanical Name: Citri Reticulatae Viride Pericarpium Category: Regulate the Qi Taste: Bitter, Acrid Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Stomach, Gallbladder, Liver Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Because this herb fiercely consumes the qi, it should be...

Lu Hui

Aloe Category: Purgatives Taste: bitter Temperature: cold Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Stomach, Liver Dosage: 1.5-4.5g; used in pills or capsules, do not decoct Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with cold from deficiency of the Spleen...

Fang Xie Ye

Botanical Name: Sennae Folium Category: Purgatives Taste: bitter, sweet Temperature: cold Channels Entered: Large Intestine Dosage: 1.5-3g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in women who are pregnant, breast feeding, or have a history of heavy bleeding....

Mang Xiao

Botanical Name: Natrii Sulfas Category: Purgatives Taste: bitter, acrid, salty Temperature: very cold Channels: Dosage: 6-18g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases of cold from deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach, and during pregnancy. When used...

Da Huang

Botanical Name: Rhei Radix et Rhizoma Category: Purgatives Taste: bitter Temperature: cold Channels Entered: heart, large intestine, liver, stomach Dosage: 3-15g internally. For a strong effect, add near the end or boil separately for three minutes and add the...

Shaoshang LU11

Lesser Shang Jing-Well and Wood point of the Lung channel Sun Si-miao Ghost point Location: On the extensor aspect of the thumb, at the junction of lines drawn along the radial border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the...

Yuji LU10

Fish Border Ying-Spring and Fire point of the Lung channel  Location: On the thenar eminence of the hand, in a depression between the midpoint of the shaft of the first metacarpal bone and the thenar muscles....

Taiyuan LU9

Supreme Abyss Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source and Earth point of the Lung channel Hui-Meeting point of the Vessels Location: At the wrist joint, in the depression between the radial artery and the tendon of abductor pollicis longus, level with Shenmen HT7. Actions: Tonifies...

Jingqu LU8

Channel Gutter Jing-River and Metal point of the Lung channel Location: Above the wrist, 1 cun proximal to Taiyuan LU9, on the line connecting Taiyuan LU9 with Kongzui LU6, in the depression at the base of the styloid process of the radius and on the radial side of...

Lieque LU7

Broken Sequence Luo-Connecting point of the Lung channel Confluent point of the Conception vessel Gao Wu Command point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star point Location: On the radial aspect of the forearm, approximately 1.5 cun proximal to Yangxi LI5, in the cleft between the...

Kongzui LU6

Maximum Opening Xi-Cleft point of the Lung channel Location: On the flexor aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting Taiyuan LU9 with Chize LU5, 7 cun proximal to Taiyuan LU9. Actions: Disseminates and descends Lung qi Clears heat and moistens the Lung Clears heat...

Chize LU5

Cubit Marsh He-Sea and Water point of the Lung channel Location: On the cubital crease of the elbow, in the depression at the radial side of the tendon of biceps brachii. Actions: Clears heat from the Lung Descends rebellious qi Regulates the water passages Activates...

Xia Bai LU4

Clasping the White Location: On the antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm, 4 cun inferior to the axillary fold and 5 cun superior to Chize LU5, in the depression between the lateral border of the biceps brachii muscle and the shaft of the humerus. LU4 According to...

Tianfu LU3

Palace of Heaven Point of the Window of Heaven Location: On the antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun inferior to the axillary fold and 6 cun superior to Chize LU5, in the depression between the lateral border of the biceps brachii muscle and the shaft of the...

Unmen LU2

Cloud Gate Location: On the antero-lateral aspect of the chest, below the lateral extremity of the clavicle, 6 cun lateral to the midline, in the center of the hollow of the delto-pectoral triangle....

Zhong Fu LU1

Front-Mu point of the Lung Meeting point of the Lung and Spleen channels Location: On the lateral aspect of the chest, in the first intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the midline, 1 cun inferior to LU2. Actions: Disseminates and descends Lung qi and alleviates cough...

The Lung Primary Channel

Originates in the Middle Jiao, in the region of the Stomach, near REN12, Descends to connect with the Large Intestine, Returns upwards to pass the cardiac orifice of the stomach and transverses the diaphragm, Penetrates the lung, Ascends to the throat region, Passes...

Ye Jiao Teng

Botanical Name: Polygoni multiflori Caulis Category: Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit Taste: Sweet Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Heart, Liver Dosage: 15-30g Key Characteristics: Nourishes the Heart (yin & blood) Calms the spirit (especially for dream...

He Huan Pi

Botanical Name: lbiziae Cortex Category: Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit Taste: Sweet Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Heart, Liver Dosage: 6-15g Key Characteristics: Relieves constraint Calms the spirit Regulates the qi Invigorates the blood Cautions...

Yuan Zhi

Botanical Name: Polygalae Radix Category: Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit Taste: Bitter, Acrid Temperature: Slightly Warm Channels Entered: Heart, Lung Dosage: 6-15g Key Characteristics: Transforms phlegm Opens the Heart orifice Reestablishes harmonious...

Yin and Yang

Yin   Character indicates ‘hill’ and ‘cloud’, or ‘the shady side of the hill’. Yang     Character indicates ‘sun’, ‘over the horizon’, and ‘rays of light’, or ‘the sunny side of the hill’. “Yin-Yang theory is based on the philosophical construct of two polar...

Suan Zao Ren

Botanical Name: Ziziphi spinosae Semen Category: Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit Taste: Sweet, Sour Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Gallbladder, Heart, Liver, Spleen Dosage: 9-15g Key Characteristics: Nourishes the Heart yin and Liver blood Promotes sleep...

Yu Li Ren

Botanical Name: Pruni Semen Category: Moist Laxatives Taste: bitter, sweet, acrid Temperature: neutral Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Spleen, Small Intestine Dosage: 3-9g; crush before decocting Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy....

Huo Ma Ren

Botanical Name: Cannabis Semen Category: Moist Laxatives English: hemp seed Taste: sweet Temperature: neutral Channels Entered: Large Intestine, Spleen, Stomach Dosage: 9-15g Cautions and Contraindications: Excessive consumption can lead to nausea, vomiting, and...

Wu Ling Zhi

Botanical Name: Trogopterori Faeces Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Bitter, Sweet Temperature: Warm Channels Entered: Liver Dosage: 3-9g. Place in a separate cotton bag before decocting. Cautions & Contraindications: Disperses blood stasis and alleviates...

Wang Bu Liu Xing

Botanical Name: Vaccariae Semen Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Bitter Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Liver, Stomach Dosage: 4.5-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy. Actions & Indications: Promotes the movement of...

Chuan Niu Xi

Botanical Name: Cyathulae Radix Chinese Name: ??? Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Sweet, Bitter Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Liver, Kidney Dosage: 4.5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy or in those with excessive...

Niu Xi

Botanical Name: Achyranthis bidentatae Radix Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Bitter, Sour Temperature: Neutral Channels Entered: Liver, Kidney Dosage: 6-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy or in those with excessive...

Mo Yao

Botanical Name: Myrrha Category: Invigorate the BloodTaste: BitterTemperature: NeutralChannels Entered: Heart, Liver, SpleenDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in the absence of stasis, or during pregnancy. Use with caution in those with...

Ru Xiang

Botanical Name: Olibanum Category: Invigorate the BloodTaste: Acrid, BitterTemperature: WarmChannel Entered: Heart, Liver, SpleenDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in the absence of stasis and during pregnancy. Use with caution in those...

San Leng

Botanical Name: Sparganii Rhizoma Category: Invigorate the BloodTaste: Acrid, BitterTemperature: NeutralChannels Entered: Liver, SpleenDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy or in those with excessive menstruation. Actions...

E Zhu

Botanical Name: Curcumae Rhizoma Category: Invigorate the BloodTaste: Acrid, BitterTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Liver, SpleenDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy or in those with excessive menstruation. Actions &...

Hong Hua

Botanical Name: Carthami Flos Category: Invigorate the BloodTaste: AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Heart, LiverDosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy. Contraindicated when there is any problem related to bleeding, such...

Tao Ren

Botanical Name: Persicae Semen Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Bitter, SweetTemperature: NeutralChannels Entered: Heart, Large Intestine, Liver, LungDosage: 4.5-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with blood deficiency. Contraindicated...

Ze Lan

Botanical Name: Lycopi Herba Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Bitter, AcridTemperature: Slightly WarmChannels Entered: Liver, SpleenDosage: 9-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with cautions in those with blood deficiency or in the absence or blood stasis....

Yi Mu Cao

Botanical Name: Leonuri Herba Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Acrid, BitterTemperature: Slightly ColdChannels Entered: Heart, Liver, BladderDosage: 9-15g (large doses up to 30g) Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with yin deficiency or...

Yu Jin

Botanical Name: Curcumae Radix Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Acrid, BitterTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Heart, Lung, LiverDosage: 6-12g Cautions & Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy. Actions & Indications: Invigorates the blood...

Yan Hu Suo

Botanical Name: Corydalis Rhizoma Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Acrid, BitterTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Heart, Liver, Stomach Dosage: 3-9g Cautions & Contraindications: Inappropriate during pregnancy unless warranted by exceptional circumstances....

Ji Xue Teng

Botanical Name: Spathlobi Caulis Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: Bitter, SweetTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: Heart, Liver, SpleenDosage: 9-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated in those with profuse menses. Actions & Indications: Promotes...

Dan Shen

Botanical Name: Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix Category: Invigorate the Blood Taste: BitterTemperature: Slightly ColdChannels Entered: Heart, Pericardium, LiverDosage: 6-15g Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy. Do not use with Li Lu....

Chuan Xiong

Botanical Name: Chuanxiong Rhizoma Category: Invigorate the Blood Temperature: WarmTaste: AcridChannels Entered: Liver, Gallbladder, PericardiumDosage: 3-9g; when taken as a powder, 1-1.5g per dose Cautions and Contraindications: Use with caution during pregnancy, or...

Qian Niu Zi

Botanical Name: Pharbitidis Semen Category: Harsh Expellants Taste: bitter, acrid, toxicTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Lung, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, KidneyDosage: 3-6g; crush before decocting Cautions & Contraindications: Contraindicated during...

Gan Sui

Botanical Name: Kansui Radix Category: Harsh Expellants Taste: bitter, sweetTemperature: coldChannels Entered: Kidney, Large Intestine, LungDosage: 0.5-1.5g Cautions and Contraindications: This substance is toxic and should only be used for ascites or other...

Dai Zhe Shi

Botanical Name: Haematitum Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: BitterTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Heart, Liver, PericardiumDosage: 9-30g in decoctions (crushed); 1-3g in pills and powders. Key Characteristics: Relies on its heaviness to suppress...

Wu Gong

Botanical Name: Scolopendra Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: AcridTemperature: WarmChannels Entered: LiverDosage: 1-3g in decoctions; 0.6-1g when powdered and swallowed. Key Characteristics: Extinguishes wind Stops spasms, seizures, and convulsions...

Quan Xie

Botanical Name: Scorpio Category: Extinguish Wind and Stops Tremors Taste: Salty, AcridTemperature: NeutralChannels Entered: LiverDosage: 2-4.5g in decoctions; 0.6-1g when powdered and swallowed. Key Characteristics: Strongly extinguishes Liver wind Stops spasms and...

Di Long

Botanical Name: Pheretima Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: SaltyTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Bladder, Liver, Lung, SpleenDosage: 4.5-15g Key Characteristics: Drains heat Extinguishes wind Stops spasms and convulsions Calms wheezing Unblocks the...

Shi Jue Ming

Botanical Name: Haliotidis Concha Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: SaltyTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Kidney, LiverDosage: 15-30g Key Characteristics: Cools Liver heat Anchors Liver yang Extinguishes Liver wind Nourishes Liver yin Cautions &...

Ci Ji LI

Botanical Name: Tribuli FructusAlternate Name: Bai Ji Li, or Ji Li Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: Acrid, BitterTemperature: NeutralChannels Entered: LiverDosage: 6-15g Key Characteristics: Expels wind Brightens the eyes Calms ascendant Liver yang...

Ling Yang Jiao

Botanical Name: Saigae tataricae Cornu Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: SaltyTemperature: ColdChannels Entered: Heart, LiverDosage: 1-3g decocted by itself for at least 2 hours or 0.3-0.6g ground into a powder Key Characteristics: Calms the Liver...

Tian Ma

Botanical Name: Gastrodiae Rhizoma Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: SweetTemperature: NeutralChannels Entered: LiverDosage: 3-9g Key Characteristics: Calms the Liver with gentle nourishment Extinguishes wind Cautions and Contraindications: None...

Gou Teng

Botanical Name: Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis Category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors Taste: SweetTemperature: Slightly ColdChannels Entered: Pericardium, LiverDosage: 6-15g Key Characteristics: Drains Liver heat Settle Liver wind   Actions & Indications:...